• Română
  • English
  • Statute


    ART. 1 Naming

    The National Conference held in Sinaia in 1995, through the delegates present unanimously decided the name of: ROMANIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF.

    The shortened name is A.N.S.R.

    ART. 2 Definition

    • ROMANIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF is a non-governmental organization, independent, non-profit, politically and religiously unconditioned, with legal personality, of public utility, which defends and promotes the social, professional, cultural and educational rights and interests of the persons with hearing impairment (deaf, deaf-mute) for social inclusion and equalization of opportunities. It receives support in keeping up specific activities from central and local authorities, as well as from individuals and legal entities.
    • The Romanian National Association of the Deaf is constituted on the basis of the free accession of the persons with hearing impairment who wish to contribute actively to the achievement of its goals and objectives.
    • The Romania National Association of the Deaf operates on the basis of Ordinance no. Jan 26/30. 2000, published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 39 / 31.01.2000, amended and supplemented by Law no. 246 / 18.07.2005, published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 656 / 25.07.2005 and has legal personality, according to the Civil Sentence no. 61 / PJ / 2002 of the District Court 2 Bucharest.
    • The Romanian National Association of the Deaf is the continuator of the “Friendly Society of the Deaf-Mute in Romania”, according to the Statute authenticated at the Ilfov Court, the notary section, under no. 328 / 05.01.1920 and of the “Association of the Deaf-Mute of the Romanian People’s Republic ” recognized by HCM no. 1153 / 20.07.1952 and of the Civil Judgment no. 1909 / 15.08.1953 of the People’s Court of the T. Vladimirescu District, Bucharest.

    ART. 3 Language

    At national level, the Romanian language and the sign language recognized in Romania by Law no. 448/2006 regarding the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities is used in the current activity. In relations with similar international associations, international sign language and English will be used.

    ART. 4 Romanian National Association of the Deaf symbols 

    The flag of Romanian National Association of the Deaf consists of the colors blue-yellow, the color blue being next to the spear.

    ART. 5 Association Headquarter

    1. The headquarters of the Romanian National Association of the Deaf is Italian Street no. 3, sector 2, Bucharest, having the operational area throughout the Romanian territory.
    2. The headquarters of the association can be changed based on the decision of the National Board of Directors.
    3. The association can set up branches in the country, according to the law.

    ART. 6 Duration

    The duration of the Association is unlimited.

    ART. 7 Establishment and organisation of the association

    • Romanian National Association of the Deaf is an organization that represents the interests of persons with hearing impaired throughout the country, being recognized as a national organization representing the deaf in Romania by:
    • Local and central authorities;
    • Romanian National Disability Council;
    • European Union of teh Deaf;
    • World Federation of teh Deaf;
    • Romanian National Association of the Deaf carries out its entire activity both at central and county level, through its subsidiaries in accordance with the bylaws and rules of organization and operation.
    • The subsidiaries are part of the organizational structure of A.N.S.R., they have legal personality and they acquire the right and the effective capacity to manage its interests on its behalf within the limits of the law, as well as the competences provided by the Statute and the decisions and regulations of the organization.
    • The territorial subsidiaries have the right to choose independently the governing bodies, according to the Statute of the Association, the own Statutes and the Regulation of organization and functioning.
    • Each member of Romanian National Association of the Deaf is free to participate in achieving the objectives and activities of the association.
    • The members of Romanian National Deaf Association elect the central management bodies through representatives, hereinafter referred to as “delegates”.

    Title II



    The aims of the Association are realized for the benefit of its members and consist in promoting and defending the rights of the persons with hearing impairment, as well as in providing social services.

    1. HUMANITARIAN PURPOSE. Romanian National Association of the Deaf, which functions as a national association of the deaf branches and subdivisions in Romania, having as main purpose the creation of an organized framework in which people with hearing impairments, adults and minors, as well as their families, can express themselves the desires, to be supported in the realization of the citizens’ rights in order to equalize the chances.
    • SOCIAL PURPOSE. Romanian National Association of the Deaf is the organization in which the social problems that people with hearing impairments face in the desire to live decent and integrate into society are summarized.
    • EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE. Romanian National Association of the Deaf organizes, supports and collaborates with the school units, the professional, cultural / educational and sports training centers, ensuring the organizational framework of the activities planned for this purpose.
    • ECONOMIC PURPOSE. Romanian National Association of the Deaf aims to use all the means permitted by law to contribute to the increase of its own financial funds for social and humanitarian programs.
    • PURPOSE OF REGULATION. Romanian National Association of the Deaf synthesizes all the internal and international legal norms that are identified with the problems of its members and elaborates projects, normative acts that it promotes.
    • PURPOSE OF REPRESENTATION. Romanian National Association of the Deaf is the only organization that represents its members in relation to the authorities, the other non-governmental organizations, the economic agents, the cultural, sports, educational units and, in general, with others, both in the country and abroad.


    Recognizing their hearing loss as an irreversible impairment, the deaf created a sign language and culture of their own within deaf organizations for the purpose of their social inclusion.

    The aim of the association is to support and integrate people with hearing impairment in society.

    In this perspective and in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 221/2010 for the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in New York by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 13, 2006, opened for signature on March 30, 2007 and signed by Romania on September 26, 2007, by the Association, through specially created structures, carries out the following activities:

    1. Providing methodological assistance and coordinating the activities of branches, clubs, members of the association, throughout the country;
    2. Collaborates in the detection and investigation of children and adults with hearing impairment to create the database, necessary to implement the intervention and recovery plan for the deaf person;
    3. Supporting deaf members in preparing and submitting files for obtaining the rights they are entitled to, in accordance with the legislation in force;
    4. Providing assistance and advice in sign language to its members;
    5. Assistance and support for deaf minors, for enrollment in special schools and vocational training at different levels, in order to adapt them to the educational system;
    6. Providing specific interpretation services in sign language, in various social situations (police, court, hospital, family, workplace, etc.) through the interpreter in authorized sign language;
    7. Supports the members of the association in employment and compliance with the legal provisions by employers regarding the creation of specific working conditions;
    8. Editing and printing of publications and specialized works in sign language;
    9. Organizes courses, seminars and various training activities in different fields for the interest of members and civil society;
    10. Promotes projects regarding the development of social, medical, education, integration, research, prosthesis etc., on its own initiative or in partnership with the Ministries, National Authorities, Central and Local Bodies, with individuals or legal persons, non-governmental organizations, etc.
    11. Supports the development of the professional retraining courses of its members in partnership with the empowered bodies necessary for employment;
    12. Provides support in providing legal assistance;
    13. Promotes social, cultural – educational and recreational activities, domestic and international, specific to the deaf person;
    14. Combating discrimination of its members, in all aspects;
    15. Maintaining and developing collaborative relationships with international and similar organizations.
    16. Promotes and supports the provision of specialized medical services (ENT) for its members in compliance with the legislation in force and the provisions in the medical field;
    17. Organizes and conducts sign language classes according to the legislation in partnership with all the institutions of the profile;
    18. Promoting cultural / educational activities specific to the deaf people for social inclusion and their access to the life of civil society;
    19. Advocates for the respect of the rights of its members included in the legislation of the country and in the conventions ratified by Romania, which it promotes, developing programs regarding the special protection of deaf people.


    • The principle of national unity: according to this principle, A.N.S.R. it is the only organization representing the interests of the members from the whole country, being recognized as a national organization representing both the Romanian public authorities and international organizations.
    • The principle of legality: according to this principle, the entire activity of the Association is carried out both at central level and at the level of subsidiaries, in accordance with the stipulations of the legislation in force, the Statute of the Association and the statutes of the branches. The Articles of Association and the Statute of the Branch may not contain stipulations contrary to the Statute of A.N.S.R.
    • The principle of functional autonomy: according to this principle, the Association has the right and the effective capacity of self-management and has administrative and financial autonomy. The branch concludes legal acts on its behalf and on its behalf with the application and respecting the competences established by law, by the Statute of the Association.
    • Eligibility principle: by this principle, the Association has the right to choose its governing bodies independently, according to the Statute A.N.S.R. and internal regulations.
    • The principle of common interest and solidarity: according to this principle, the members of A.N.S.R. carries out activities, assumes responsibilities and obligations for the benefit of the organization and its members.

    Title III





    • The members of the association are persons with hearing impairment (deaf, deaf-mute) who have a hearing loss in both ears and over 50 decibels at the best ear, have attained the age of 18 years, without distinction of nationality, religion or sex – and accepts the Statute of the branch and, implicitly, of the A.N.S.R..
    • The quality of member of Romanian National Association of the Deaf can be acquired by any Romanian citizen or foreign resident, who has attained the age of 18 years and who attests the classification in the degrees of hearing disability: profound, severe and moderate, by legal medical acts recognized in our country.
    • Any person who respects the conditions of the previous paragraph and adheres to the Statute of the association and acts according to its objectives may become a member of the association.
    • Persons with serious behavioral disorders or convicted persons who have not been rehabilitated cannot be members.
    • In order to register as a member of Romanian National Association of the Deaf, the applicant will address the president of the branch in whose jurisdiction the domicile or residence is.
    • The reception of the member is made by the president of the branch, based on an adhesion signed by the applicant, of the medical documents and of the civil status documents that prove that the applicant has his domicile within the activity of the respective branch.
    • May be members also Romanian citizens residing abroad and who recognize the status of A.N.S.R.
    • The president of the branch has the obligation to submit to the Board of Directors for approval all the requests, in the first meeting after the date of their submission to the branch. In case of rejection of the request for adherence, both the President and the Board will communicate in writing, motivated, no later than 15 days from the date of adoption of the decision of rejection, which is irrevocable.
    • The members who held management positions and resigned or were excluded at the express request of the members A.G. or the CDF / CDN, respectively in the case of serious deviations, are no longer eligible to run for any management position in branches or A.N.S.R.


    Organizations with similar profile, other than associations, subsidiaries or deaf branches, which support the association’s objectives, may be admitted as collaborating members, may be invited to the meetings of the branch or the Association, without the right to vote.


    Organizations, individuals or legal entities who wish to materially support the activities of the branch, may be accepted as supporting members, may attend the branch meetings, without voting rights.


    Depending on the contribution made, members can be classified as follows:

    Founding members – Deaf who contributed to the creation of the association and subsidiaries;

    Honorary members – those who have special merits in developing and consecrating the branch.

    Title IV



    The members of Romanian National Association of the Deaf have the following RIGHTS:

    1. to benefit in a non-discriminatory way from the services of the association;
    2. to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the association or branch from the age of 18, except for those suffering from mental illness;
    3. to attend the meetings of the governing bodies of the association or branch to which decisions are to be taken which directly and personally concern them;
    4. to address with requests, proposals or notifications to the governing bodies of the association or branch;
    5. to publish in the magazine of the association original works, opinions, initiatives and proposals;
    6. to be supported for schooling, qualification or professional retraining, employment, assistance by insuring sign language interpreter;
    7. to participate in the activities organized by the association / branch;
    8. to be supported in the hospitalization of units of social protection and assistance, to purchase specific equipment, as well as for obtaining the rights deriving from the normative acts in force;
    9. to be informed through the publication and the website of the association, as well as through the governing bodies, about the decisions adopted, as well as the management of the financial resources of the association.


    The members of Romanian National Deaf Association have the following main OBLIGATIONS:

    1. to know and respect the provisions of the Statute of the Association;
    2. to pay the membership fee of the association;
    3. to attend meetings of the association or branch to which they are convened;
    4. to participate in the implementation of the decisions established by the management of the association or branch;
    5. not to carry out or participate in actions contrary to the interests of the association / branch, or which would impede the achievement of its goals or objectives;
    6. to preserve and protect the heritage of the association / branch;
    7. not to carry out specific and joint activities of the association / subsidiary;


    The loss of membership of the association can occur in the following situations:

    1. by written request, as an expression of his own will;
    2. by death;
    3. by non-payment of the contribution within 2 years;
    4. by exclusion according to the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of A.N.S.R.


    Members A.N.S.R. the following sanctions shall apply:

    1. written warning;
    2. severe warning and ultimatum;
    3. temporary suspension from membership of A.N.S.R .;
    4. suspension or exclusion from the governing body of which is a member;
    5. exclusion from A.N.S.R.

    Title 5



    The association is structured as follows:

    1. Central body:
    2. General Assembly of Romanian National Association of the Deaf;
    3. National Board of Directors of Romanian National Association of the Deaf;
    4. Commission of censors of Romanian National Association of the Deaf.
    5. Organs of territorial structures:
    6. Branch:
    7. General Assembly of the branch;
    8. The board of directors of the branch;
    9. Commission of censors of the branch.
    10. Subsidiary:
    11. Subsidiary council.


    The General Assembly of Romanian National Association of the Deaf is the governing body of the association and is made up of delegations mandated by the members of the association, through elections at the level of local and territorial structures, according to the principles of the statute.


    The General Assembly of the association has the following powers:

    1. Establishing the general strategy and objectives of the association;
    2. Approval of the revenue and expenditure budget and the balance sheet;
    3. Election and dismissal of members of the National Board of Directors and the Commission of Censors;
    4. Establishment of branches with legal and accredited personality;
    5. Modification of the articles of incorporation and the statute, with the mention that the change of the registered office can also be decided by the National Board of Directors;
    6. Dissolution and liquidation of the association, as well as establishing the destination of the goods left after the liquidation, according to the law;
    7. Adopting other decisions regarding the general activity of the association;
    8. Approval of the general rules of organization and functioning of the Commission of Censors.


    • The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary annual meetings and extraordinary meetings, whenever it is convened by statute;
    • The General Assembly is convened by:
    • Decision of the National Board of Directors;
    • The will expressed in writing, by the decision of at least 50 + 1 of the number of branches;
    • The convocation is communicated by C.D.N. by registered letters or by electronic mail, sent to the branches, at least 30 days before the appointed date, to which the agenda of the meeting is attached;
    • The norm of representation of the members in the General Assembly will be established by the National Board of Directors. The presidents of the branches are obliged to be delegated to the General Assembly;
    • The General Assembly is legally constituted if two thirds of the delegates, legally summoned, are present;
    • The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by simple majority of votes cast and become binding for all members of the association;
    • The technical modalities for expressing the vote are elaborated by the Board of Directors and submitted to the approval of the General Assembly.


    Organization and functioning of the National Board of Directors (C.D.N.)

    • The National Board of Directors ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly.
    • The composition of the National Board of Directors includes mandatory:
    • President A.N.S.R.;
    • Vice-President A.N.S.R .;
    • One representative proposed by each branch between the delegates present and validated by the General Assembly of the A.N.S.R.
    • In the National Board of Directors a number of specialists can be co-opted, who will elaborate the documents to be submitted for approval.
    • The National Board of Directors meets in semester meetings or extraordinary meetings when the interests of the association require it.
    • The meetings of the National Board of Directors are statutory if 50 + 1 of the members are present, and the decisions are adopted, only with the vote of the majority of those present.
    • In order to carry out its tasks, the National Board of Directors may develop its own rules of procedure.


    The National Board of Directors has the following responsibilities:

    1. Present to the General Assembly the activity report for the previous period, the execution of the budget of incomes and expenses, the balance sheet, the project of the budget of incomes and expenses, for the following period;
    2. It implements the decisions of the General Assembly in the intervals between its meetings;
    3. It concludes legal acts in name and on behalf of the association, in the application and within the limits of the powers established by law, the constitutive act and the statute, as well as the decisions of the General Assembly;
    4. Elaborates and approves the organization chart and personnel policy of the association, as well as the job descriptions provided in the organization chart in accordance with the legislation in force;
    5. Elaborates and approves, in detail, the way to express the vote, the level of expenses and the sources of financing for each General Assembly and for the specific activities;
    6. Elaborates and approves the internal regulation of operation;
    7. Decides to sanction the members of the National Board of Directors and of the Board of Directors of the branches;
    8. Elaborates the regulations of the specific activities of the association;
    9. Resolves requests, notifications, appeals and complaints received from members of the association;
    10. Approves and ensures the editing and distribution of the association’s prints;
    11. Summons the General Assembly of the Association;
    12. Determines the level of the registration fee and the annual membership fee.
    13. Approves the external representation of the association;
    14. Initiates and ensures the improvement of the staff of the association;
    15. Establishes the Executive Bureau, made up of members with hearing impairment, whose task is to enforce the decisions of the C.D.N., on areas of activity.
    16. Develop national social protection policies and promote the rights of deaf people.
    17. The Board of Directors establishes offices, departments, commissions necessary for the proper functioning of the Association in accordance with the purposes established by the Statute.
    18. Establishes the skills assessment committee in sign language.
    19. Establishes the Ethics and Discipline Commission which has the following tasks:
    20. Analyzes and mediates conflicts in branches that have as objections to the C.D.F. decisions disciplinary sanctioning of members;
    21. Analyzes and mediates conflicts within A.N.S.R .;
    22. Formulate proposals for conflict resolution;
    23. The composition of the commission and the operating procedure are established by the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of A.N.S.R.

    ART. 26 PRESIDENT of A.N.S.R.

    • The president of Romanian National Association of the Deaf is its legal representative.
    • The president of the association is elected by the General Assembly of the association between the delegates present, by secret ballot, with the vote of 50% +1 of the number of delegates present.
    • The mandate of President A.N.S.R. is 5 years.


    • The president of Romanian National Association of the Deaf has the following powers:
    • Ensures the fulfillment of the goals of the organization and all the decisions adopted;
    • Represents the association in relation with public authorities, with public or private institutions, with organizations and foundations and with other legal and natural persons, Romanian and foreign;
    • Coordinates and controls the entire activity of the association;
    • Leads the work of the National Board of Directors and the General Assembly;
    • May conclude acts in name and on behalf of the association, within the limits approved by the decisions of the General Assembly and of the National Board of Directors;
    • In the exercise of his mandate, the president issues decisions, provisions and instructions, in accordance with the legislation in force and the provisions of the Statute.
    • The President may delegate certain powers, for limited periods and for well-founded reasons, to the Vice-President or any of the members of the National Board of the Association.

    ART. 28 The Censor Commission of A.N.S.R.

    • The Censor Commission is the body through which the internal financial control of the Association is ensured.
    • The Censor Commission is elected by the General Assembly, among the delegates present, for a term of five years.
    • The Censor Commission consists of three members, comprising: a chairman of the commission, an authorized accountant or an accounting expert and a member.

    The members of the Board of Directors and the employees of the association cannot be part of the Audit Committee.


    • The Censor Commission shall carry out the following main tasks:
    • verifies how the patrimony of the association is administered;
    • draws up annual reports on budget execution and submits them to the General Assembly;
    • participates in the meetings of the General Assembly and of the National Board of Directors, without the right to vote.
    • The Censor Commission can develop its own rules of operation;
    • It fulfills any other attribution established by the General Assembly and stipulated in the Statute.


    • The territorial structures of Romanian National Association of the Deaf are:
    • Branch;
    • Subsidiary.
    • The branches of A.N.S.R. are:
    • A.N.S.R. –Alba Branch;
    1. A.N.S.R. –Arad Branch;
    2. A.N.S.R. –Bacău Branch;
    3. A.N.S.R. – Bistrița Branch;
    4. A.N.S.R. –Bihor Branch;
    5. A.N.S.R. – Botoșani Branch;
    6. A.N.S.R. – Brăila Branch;
    7. A.N.S.R. – Brașov Branch;
    8. A.N.S.R. – București Branch;
    9. A.N.S.R. – Buzău Branch;
    10. A.N.S.R. – Cluj Branch;
    11. A.N.S.R. – Constanța Branch;
    12. A.N.S.R. – Craiova Branch;
    13. A.N.S.R. – Focșani Branch;
    14. A.N.S.R. – Galați Branch;
    15. A.N.S.R. – Harghita Branch;
    16. A.N.S.R. – Hunedoara Branch;
    17. A.N.S.R. – Ialomița Branch;
    18. A.N.S.R. – Iași Branch;
    19. A.N.S.R. – Maramureș Branch;
    20. A.N.S.R. – Neamț Branch;
    21. A.N.S.R. – Argeș Branch;
    22. A.N.S.R. – Prahova Branch;
    23. A.N.S.R. – Reșița Branch;
    24. A.N.S.R. – Satu Mare Branch;
    25. A.N.S.R. – Sibiu Branch;
    26. A.N.S.R. – Slatina Branch;
    27. A.N.S.R. – Suceava Branch;
    28. A.N.S.R. – Târgoviște Branch;
    29. A.N.S.R. – Mureș Branch;
    30. A.N.S.R. – Tg. Jiu Branch;
    31. A.N.S.R. – Tineret Branch;
    32. A.N.S.R. – Timișoara Branch;
    33. A.N.S.R. – Tr. Severin Branch;
    34. A.N.S.R. – Tulcea Branch;
    35. A.N.S.R. – Vâlcea Branch;
    36. A.N.S.R. – Zalău Branch;
    37. The subsidiaries of A.N.S.R. are:

    Aiud Subsidiary – subordinated to the Alba Branch;

    Onești Subsidiary – subordinated to the Bacău Branch;

    Comănești Subsidiary – subordinated to Bacău Branch;

    Turda Subsidiary – subordinated to Cluj Branch;

    Dej Subsidiary – subordinated to Cluj Branch;

    Odorheiul Secuiesc Subsidiary – subordinated to the Harghita Branch;

    Sighetul Marmație Subsidiary – subordinated to the Maramureș Branch;

    Sighișoara Subsidiary – subordinated to Mures Branch;

    Roman Subsidiary – subordinated to the Neamț Branch;

    Tg. Neamț Subsidiary – subordinated to the Neamț Branch;

    Bicaz Subsidiary – subordinated to the Neamț Branch;

    Fălticeni Subsidiary – subordinated to Suceava Branch;

    Rădăuți Subsidiary – subordinated to Suceava Branch;

    ART. 31 Branches of A.N.S.R.

    • The branches of the association are territorial structures with legal personality, established on the basis of Ordinance 26/2000, organized in one or more counties, with patrimony and governing bodies, which function only on the basis of the Association’s Statute, its regulations and its own statutes;
    • The branches are part of the organizational structure of the association, which recognize the legal status of the association and its authority, throughout the period of operation.
    • The name of the branch will be composed of the following phrase: Romanian National Association of the Deaf – Branch (…) followed by the name of the city / county.


    The branches of the association have the following objectives:

    1. Active participation in achieving the goals of the association;
    2. Enlisting as members the deaf in their area of activity and organizing them for:
    3. obtaining, promoting and ensuring the application of specific rights;
    4. ensuring the social protection of the members of the branch;
    5. integration into the economic-social and professional life, cultural-artistic;
    6. representation of members and their interests in front of local public authorities, in justice and in front of other institutions of public or private law;

    Art. 33 TASKS OF BRANCH:

    In order to achieve the object of activity, the branch fulfills the following tasks:

    1. Identification / detection of persons with hearing impairment from the territorial area of activity and their guidance, according to the law, for registration as members of the association;
    2. Preparation of the nominal and statistical records of the members in its area of activity;
    3. Organization of clubs, libraries, cultural-artistic activities and other specific activities, for the benefit of the deaf;
    4. Organization of recreational and leisure activities;
    5. Collection of registration fees and membership fees;
    6. Guidance and support for the sources for schooling, qualification or professional retraining, aiming at the introduction of new professions, trades or operations accessible to them;
    7. Supporting members in employment, aiming at creating the necessary conditions, according to national and international regulations, as well as supporting their adaptation to the workplace;
    8. Supporting members for admission to social assistance units;
    9. Support in providing material and financial aid to members in difficult situations;
    10. Permanent concern for obtaining, by the members of the branch, the rights arising from the normative acts in force;
    11. Collaboration with local public authorities in its area of activity for the application of specific domestic and international legislation;
    12. Maintaining and developing collaborative relationships with the other branches of Romanian National Association of the Deaf, as well as with other civil society organizations, in compliance with the internal regulations of the association;


    Bodies branch are:

    1. General Assembly of the branch;
    2. The Board of Directors of the branch;
    3. Commission of censors of the branch.


    • The managing body of the branch is the General Assembly, consisting of the members of the branch.
    • The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary meetings once a year upon the convening of the board of directors of the branch and it is statutory constituted if 30% of the number of members are present.
    • The decisions of the General Assembly of the branch are usually adopted by simple majority; it may decide that some decisions be adopted by a qualified majority.
    • The General Assembly can be convened in extraordinary meetings by the board of directors of the branch, at the request of 50 +1% of the number of members.
    • The convening of the General Assembly in an extraordinary meeting shall be made known to the members of the branch in writing, by posting at the branch office by registered letter or electronic mail, at least 30 days before the date of the event, specifying the purpose for which it was convened.


    The General Assembly of the branch has the following tasks:

    1. Analyzes and decides on the general activity reports of the branch, of the general activity plans presented by the branch’s Board of Directors and of the report of the branch censors’ commission;
    2. Approves and modifies the Statute of branch provided that the Statute of the association is respected;
    3. Elects the members of the Board of Directors of the branch, the president being obligatory part of the Board of Directors;
    4. Elects and dismisses the members of the Board of Directors of the branch in case of disciplinary violations;
    5. Elects delegates to the General Assembly of the association, in accordance with the provisions of its statute, of the general rules for organizing and conducting the General Assembly and the decisions of the National Board of Directors;
    6. Elects and dismisses the members of the Commission of censors in case of disciplinary violations;
    7. Approves the general rules for the organization and functioning of the Censor Board at the branch level;
    8. Adopts any other decisions regarding the general activity of the branch.


    • Between the meetings of the General Assembly, the activity of the branch is administered by the Board of Directors, composed of an odd number of members proposed by the president and validated by the General Assembly of the branch.
    • The Board of Directors of the branch meets in meetings at least every two months or whenever necessary.


    The Board of Directors of the branch has the following tasks:

    1. It carries out the resolutions of the General Assembly, following the realization of the general activity programs.
    2. Prepares and approves the activity plans of the branch for periods of at most one calendar year, taking into account the programs and the activity of Romanian National Association of the Deaf in Romania;
    3. Prepares and approves the annual revenue and expenditure plans of the branch in accordance with the instructions of C.D.N. of the association;
    4. Modifies the staff structure of the subsidiary, according to the financial resources and the decisions of the Board of Directors of the association and the legislation in force;
    5. Analyzes the reports of the Commission of censors of the branch and adopts the legal measures proposed by it in case of deviations from the legal provisions;
    6. Determines the number of branches / groups within the branch’s activity;
    7. Validates or revokes the branch organizers, proposing to the members the election of new managers.
    8. It applies sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the subsidiary or those of the Statute of the association;
    9. Ensures the management of the entire activity of the branch, carrying out the decisions of the General Assembly of the branch and of the association;
    10. Provides methodological assistance and coordination of branch organizers;
    11. Convene General Meetings of the branch/ subsidiary whenever necessary;
    12. Performs any other duties established by the National Board of Directors, in accordance with the statutory provisions.


    • The president of the branch has the following attributions:
    • represents the branch in relation with the local public authorities, with public or private institutions, with organizations and foundations, with other Romanian legal and natural persons;
    • coordinates and controls the entire activity of the branch;
    • leads the work of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors of the branch;
    • convenes, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the branch, the board of directors of the branch in ordinary or extraordinary meetings, as the case may be;
    • may conclude acts in the name and on behalf of the subsidiary, under the conditions of the law, and within the limits approved by the decisions of the general meeting and of the Board of Directors of the branch;
    • performs the tasks set out in the Statute of the branch,
    • supports the collection of contributions.
    • In the exercise of his mandate, the president shall issue decisions, provisions and instructions in accordance with the legislation in force and the provisions of the Statute of A.N.S.R. and the branch.
    • The President may delegate certain powers, for limited periods and for justified reasons, to the Vice President or any of the members of the board of directors of the branch.


    • The commission of censors of the subsidiary is the control body that verifies the compliance with the legal provisions in the administration of the material and financial means.
    • An authorized accountant or accounting expert must also be part of the commission of censor.
    • The members of the Board of directors of the branch and employees A.N.S.R.  cannot be part of the commission of censors.


    The Commission of censors is elected by the General Assembly for a period of five years. The number of members and the method of electing them shall be determined by the General Assembly in accordance with the statutory provisions and the law.


    • The commission of censors has the following attributions:
    • verifies the execution, according to the legal provisions, of the budget of incomes and expenses of the branch;
    • verifies compliance with the legal provisions regarding the economic-financial, accounting and branch management operations;
    • presents reports to the General Assembly of the branch and information to the board of directors of the branch.
    • attend the meetings of the General Assembly of the branch without voting rights.
    • Commission of censors of the branch can develop its own rules of procedure.


    • The subsidiary is a territorial structure of Romanian National Association of the Deaf, without legal personality, up to the county level, activating in the subordination of the territorial branches that comprise several counties.
    • In situations imposed by the special activity of a county branch, the subsidiary may also be set up within a county, subject to the respective county branch.
    • Thesubsidiary is established by the decision of the National Board of Directors.


    The subsidiary fulfills the following tasks:

    1. identifies / detects people with hearing impairment in their area of activity, guiding and supporting them to register as members of the association / branch;
    2. supports the branch for carrying out its tasks and achieving the object of activity;
    3. facilitates communication between the branch management and local public authorities, as well as with members within the area of competence;
    4. collect membership fees;
    5. organizes and carries out cultural-educational, recreational and leisure activities;
    6. performs any other duties of the Board of Directors of the branch.


    • The subsidiary operates under the direct coordination of the Board of Directors of the branch and is headed by a committee composed of:
    • a subsidiary organizer;
    • two members.
    • The subsidiary committee has the following tasks:
    • ensures the fulfillment of the tasks of the branch;
    • executes the decisions of the board of directors of the branch and the provisions of its president;
    • presents activity reports before the Board of Directors of the branch;
    • performs any other duties of an exceptional nature, within the limits of the law and regulation of the organization of the branch or the statute of the subsidiary.




    The income of the association results from the following sources:

    1. the balances resulting from the budget execution of the previous year;
    2. membership fees;
    3. registration fees;
    4. the interest resulting from the placement of the available amounts, under the legal conditions;
    5. the dividends of the economic units established by the association;
    6. revenues from specific activities in close connection with the object of activity and the tasks of the association;
    7. donations, sponsorships or legacies;
    8. resources obtained from the state budget or local budgets;
    9. other revenues provided by law.



    ART. 47 STAFF A.N.S.R.

    • To achieve the objectives contained in the statute, A.N.S.R. has employed staff in accordance with the legislation in force and the Statute of A.N.S.R .;
    • The remuneration of the staff is granted according to the legal norms, within the limits of the allocated budgetary funds, possibly with supplementation of their own incomes, with the approval of the General Assembly;
    • The staff have the obligation to fulfill the tasks included in the job description and the provisions drawn up by the employer;
    • The hired staff has the obligation that within 6 months from the date of employment they must acquire the sign language, to use it in the current activity in order to communicate with deaf members.


    • The Association carries out its activity on the basis of the operating principles set out in this Statute.
    • The rules for the application of this statute are laid down in the Organization and Functioning Regulations of the association (ROF).


    • In the position of president of the association, as well as in the position of president of the branch, members who have a minimum ten-year old continuous in the association may be elected, have a minimum age of 30 years and prove, through their intellectual qualities and a significant previous activity in favor of the association, that they may represent the interests of the deaf in relations with the Romanian and foreign authorities.
    • Except from the provisions of paragraph 1candidates for the position of President at A.N.S.R.- The Youth Branch who must be at least 18 years old and have not provided a minimum limit for seniority in the association.
    • The president of the association, based on the decision of election of the National General Assembly, is employed, his salary being paid from the state budget subsidy;
    • The president of the branch, elected on the basis of the General Assembly of the Branch, may be:
    • employee, his salary being paid from the state budget subsidy;
    • the compensation paid from their own income with the approval of the Board of Directors of the branch.
    • In the event of the unavailability of the president of the association to exercise his term of office for more than six months or of the vacant position, all his duties shall be assumed temporarily by the vice-president.


    The drawing up of the budget of incomes and expenses, the administration of the funds and the material means, the execution of the expenses and the operations of management and financial-accounting are done according to the legislation in force and the Statute.


    In case of dissolution, the patrimony of Romanian National Association of the Deaf will be distributed after the liquidation balance has been carried out by the authorized bodies, according to the law.

    The dissolution and liquidation of the association will be done in compliance with the legal provisions stipulated in GEO 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations.




    • This Statute enters into force on 14.04.2019, the date of its adoption by the General Assembly of Romanian National Association of the Deaf.
    • At the same date, the Statute adopted by the General Assembly of Romanian National Association of the Deaf in 2018 is repealed, as well as any provisions to the contrary.
    • The list of members of the National Board of Directors is presented in the annex to this Statute and forms an integral part thereof.
    • The General Assembly of A.N.S.R. empowers the President to sign this Statute.
    • In order to fulfill the registration formalities in the “REGISTER OF ASSOCIATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS” of this Statute, the President of ROMANIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF is appointed.

    President A.N.S.R.,